EIT Manufacturing's Teaching Factories Competition 2025: Cal ...


EIT Manufacturing's Teaching Factories Competition 2025: Call for companies and students

EIT Manufacturing's Teaching Factories Competition 2025: Call for companies and students

EIT Manufacturing's Teaching Factory Competition 2024 is designed to strengthen the partnership between academia and industry by fostering innovation that addresses real-world challenges towards a more sustainable and competitive manufacturing sector in Europe.

To be eligible, the applicants have to meet the following conditions:

For Companies:

  1. Must be a public or private enterprise—small, medium, or large—including social enterprises, associated with the manufacturing sector. Companies must be recognized as legal entities under national, EU, or international law, with the ability to exercise rights and obligations in their name.
  2. Established in one of the Member States (including overseas countries and territories, (OCTs)) or Associated Countries to Horizon Europe and the low- and middle-income countries

For Solver Teams:

  1. Must be independent or mixed teams officially enrolled as Bachelor, Master or PhD students and/or researchers, at the end of the application phase, in a Higher Education Institution in one of the Member States (including overseas countries and territories, (OCTs)) or Associated Countries to Horizon Europe and the low- and middle-income countries
  2. Participants who graduate, and/or unenroll, during the competition phase are expected to stay in the competition until the end of it;
  3. Must be researchers and/or students from their 2nd year of studies in a bachelor’s degree or enrolled in a Master or PhD in the disciplines associated to the fields of informatics, engineering, business, natural and technological sciences;
  4. Solver Teams must consist of 4 to 6 members, from at least 2 different disciplines.

Interested applicants can have more information and submit a proposal through the following website: https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/teaching-factories-competition-2025-call-overview/

The evaluation of all eligible applications will be conducted in two phases:

  1. Phase 1: Evaluation of Proposals by three independent External Experts according to the evaluation criteria, and selection up to 6 challenge owners and a maximum of 24 promising Solver Teams; and
  2. Phase 2: Evaluation of the performances of the companies and the solver teams according to a specific evaluation criteria, and selection of winners.

EIT Manufacturing brings together more than 80 members (universities, research institutes, and businesses).

More information, HERE .

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